Last month I visited Tallinn to attend the Joe McNally's workshop about location lighting. Excellent trip, more photos after the jump.
During the ferry ride to Estonia we were playing cold war themed card game (CIA vs KGB).
Workshop started with Joe's presentation about his photography and after that he started building different lighting setups. Location was fantastic place filled with numerous possibilities. Models had costumes to match the historic atmosphere of venue.
Setup by Joe. Model: Helena
Nikon speedlight with small Lastolite softbox & Lastolite TriGrip diffusion panel cam left close to model. Gold TriGrip reflector below it. Two Nikon Speedlights behind the model on ground with CTO gels. Triggered with on camera SB-800 in commander TTL mode.
Setup by Joe. Model: Trina
Setup: Speedlight with Lastolite Ezybox boomed over the model cam left. Speedlight behind the sofa. Speedlight with snoot on the group front of model. Maybe also Speedlight with snoot cam left. Triggered optically with on camera flash. Originally setup was built with 5 speedlights that were triggered with on camera commander flash (in TTL+manual mode) but it was later changed to manual (SU-4) mode for Canon users :)
Setup with Ranger Quadra(s) outside in the street and Nikon speedlight with small softbox.
After the course we got diplomas with frames. I am now certified photographer if Joe McNally says so :P
Old town with lots of nice location possibilities for shoots.
Tallinn harbor area is interesting mixture of old and new architecture.
We also visited the famous Depeche Mode bar located in Old Town. Bar only plays Depeche Mode songs, screens are showing Depeche Mode videos/live concert footage, walls are covered with Depeche Mode related paintings and posters.
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