Profoto Umbrella XL, latest addition of light shaping tools from Profoto. First impressions and sample portrait photos taken in studio after the link.
The Umbrella XL has a opened diameter 65" (165 cm) and is available in silver, white and translucent white versions.
An optional front diffusion fabric can be attached which converts Umbrella XL white and silver into octaboxes. This will result the loss of about -1.5 f-stops but with wider & even softer distribution of light.
First we were testing the silver version without front diffusion fabric. Quick impression was the deepness of umbrella, which is way deeper than regular umbrellas. This light modifier requires space to use, so having it on small locations can be challenging. Outdoor use should be also considered carefully as this will be big sail and small breeze can blow over even sandbagged light stand with umbrella.
Profoto Umbrellas for size comparison. From top to bottom. Profoto Giant, Umbrella XL, Medium White reflective umbrella. Length of Umbrella XL package is 114 cm and it weights about 1,2 kg. Being a lighter and more affordable than Giant makes Umbrella XL tempting product. I am big fan of Creative Light umbrella sobtbox as it is so lightweight to carry and quick to setup. Even in indoor use, setting up umbrellas saves time compared to softboxes or octaboxes.
Parabolic umbrellas are very interesting modifiers as they have ability to give soft light as large source by size but still have crispiness characteristic on it. With the parabolic shape, you can also change the light distribution by sliding the shaft inside flash head. Zoom reflector in flash head can be moved to change the light as additional way to affect to the end result. I have heard that big parabolic umbrellas should be used without any reflector to evenly fill the whole umbrella with light. Based on testing, I couldn't see any pronounced difference with or without the zoom reflector. Product photos are showing zoom reflector with the flash head, so maybe it is advised to use zoom or disc reflector with this modifier.
Setup: AcuteB with Umbrella XL silver camera right. Compact 600 R with small gridded softbox for background model back left. PWs for triggering. Lightly edited photo to focus on showing the light characteristic from Umbrella XL. Model: Katja.
In this photo you should be able to see soft but bright light. These big silver umbrellas are also giving restless cast shadows that look there would have been multiple light sources instead of one. That should be taken into account when using them with seamless background paper. I used background light for two purposes in this photo. Fade little bit the cast shadows and add light for the background. Restless shadows solved!
Setup for the above
Based on testing with Jamo, the light distribution from Umbrella XL is slightly parabolic as the product info says. Center of the umbrella is brighter and giving more direct light while the edges of umbrella are scattering the light wider than with truly parabolic umbrellas. This is more of characteristic of this light shaping tool and it depends on the use do you prefer the more forgiving light (like Umbrella XL) or with much tighter light (like Parabolic shaped Profoto Giants or PLMs). For the studio shots I liked the semi-wide light distribution from the umbrella XL as it allowed to light the full person and still give good amount of light for the background.
Catchlight from the Umbrella XL. Center of the umbrella is drawn brighter in the catchlights.
Setup: AcuteB with Umbrella XL silver camera right. Compact 600 R with small gridded softbox for background model back left. White reflector below camera. Fan camera left. PWs for triggering. ND8. Little bit more post processing was used to adjust colors.
Umbrella XL + diffusion fabric & 5' Octabox side by side. Light distribution looks more even with octabox.
And here the examples where octa & Umbrella XL with diffusion fabric are used as key lights. Setup: Pro-7B with 5' octa/Umbrella XL + diffusion fabric cam right. Compact 600R with small gridded softbox for background model back left. White wall cam left. Model: Saara.

Umbrella XL + diffusion fabric camera right. White wall model left.
Model: Verna / Modelboom
MUAH: Camilla Pönkkä

Umbrella XL + diffusion fabric
Model: Eleonoora / Brand
MUA: Silja Konttila
Conclusion: Umbrella XL felt as very promising modifier that can be used as only light source to create photos with soft but contrasty light. Option to add diffusion fabric to turn it into big octabox makes it versatile modifier. Update 2014: this modifier been in active use in studio both as the main light or as fill light. Added few sample photos.
Excellent review. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I heard a couple of guys talking about this in the New York subway so I looked it up online and found your page. Thanks. I thought I was right and you confirmed my thoughts. Thanks for the work you've put into this. I'd love to save this and share with my friends.
Great to hear to have blog readers in the Big Apple! Happy New Year!
Thanks for a good review, I intend to buy one soon, and this made me even more sure that it will be a good investment (I plan to buy two, in fact).
I have used the 5 foot Octa for very much of my portrait work, but would like to add something more lightweight, like this.
Thanks Stefan. Waiting to see your photos done with Umbrella XL or two :)
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