This photo was taken at the early November when autumn was switching to winter but still some leaves left in the ground to give color. I have been recently trying to use just the ambient light for outdoor photos. It makes working faster as you can just focus on taking photos and not carrying or setting up lights. Colder the weather gets, less time you want to spend with tweaking the lights. For this photo ISO was pushed to 400 and VR from 70-200mm helped to keep the shot sharp.
As it was getting cold in outdoors, we continued the session inside studio. For studio part I wanted to use Pro-7B with two heads. With two heads connected, Pro-7B allows to choose between asymmetrical or symmetrical power distribution. Asymmetrical power distribution setting is useful as it makes possible to use the other head with -1 stop lower power. That is something you often do with fill light/kicker light. By changing the distance of light, using diffusion fabric or neutral density (ND) gel, fine tuning of power adjustment is also possible.
In first setup I used Pro-7B with zoom & white reflective umbrella high up camera right and second Pro-7B head with small gridded softbox for background light. White reflective wall was placed model left to open shadows.
For headshot, I used Pro-7B with 3x4' softbox as main light and other Pro-7B with small gridded softbox model back left as light kicker light.
Last shots were done so that one Pro-7B head with softbox was the key light camera left and second head as fill light with smaller softbox positioned also camera left. This was excellent test shoot where Liisa provided clothes for three different styles.
Model: Jodie
Clothes: Liisa Wiik
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