From the test shoot in island near Helsinki. Taken with Fuji X100S 23mm/f2 @f2

Fuji X100s with Pocketwizard, syncs nicely up to 1/1000 second. More comparison between Fuji X100S & D700 after the link.

D700 + 35mm/f1.4 @f1.6

Fuji X100S 23mm/f2 @f2.8

D700 + 35mm/f1.4 @f1.8

Fuji X100S 23mm/f2 @f2 (internal ND filter)

Nikon D700 + 35mm/f1.4 @f2 (+ ND8)

D700 + 35mm/f1.4 @f2

Fuji X100S 23mm/f2 @f2.8

D700 + 35mm/f1.4 @f1.8

D700 + 35mm/f1.4 @f1.6

Exposures and apertures in the above two samples are not same and Fuji image was cropped and colors+exposure adjusted to match more to the Nikon's file. LR and Adobe Standard profile seems to make wretched colors for most X100S files. Switching to use Astia/Provia simulation improves the results and its strongly recommended if you are Lightroom user. Fuji 23mm lens with hood feels to be more prone for flare than nano coated Nikkors but the camera is also much cheaper & lighter to haul around than Nikon dSRL full frame body + prime len like 35mm/f1.4.
In good light Fuji makes great results and even in the low light I would say the ISO 3200 is quite usable. Fuji's F2 lens is fast and sharp but you can't blur the background like with bigger sensor camera and faster lens like f1.4 (see the above example). Fuji's X-trans sensor delivers different looking tones and images compared to Nikon. This is only issue if you are shooting with both cameras and try to make the end results to match.
The responsiveness, viewfinder, usable high ISOs, dynamc range and AF speed in Fuji X100s are nowhere near the full frame mirror camera bodies like D750 or even the D700. This doesn't make Fuji as bad camera. For the size & weight, its often much better companion than carrying heavy dSRL & lenses.
Model: Milla
Co-shoot & help: Marko O
Other Fuji X100S photos & videos:
marooned from Marko on Vimeo.
short clip from the shoot with Milla
HIT THE TOWN from Marko on Vimeo.
making of clip from the HIT THE TOWN editorial

Aussie burger, Helsinki

Flow festival 2014, Helsinki, ISO 2500

Christmas street at Lund, Sweden, ISO 2500

Skiffer, Helsinki
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